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Stiftelsen Kalixbo procures products, services and works each year. All purchases and contractual collaborations are carried out in accordance with the Swedish Public Procurement Act.

You can find details of our current procurements in TendSign, from VismaOPIC.

Click on the link to view the relevant procurement and obtain electronic documentation. For distribution of tender dossiers, you must have a tenderer account with TendSign.

Are you interested in carrying out work on behalf of Stiftelsen Kalixbo?

In that case you should know that Kalixbo and the Swedish Tax Agency have a partnership aimed at preventing economic crime.

It is in the joint interest of Kalixbo and the Swedish Tax Agency that all of the companies we commission are legitimate. Accounting and payment of tax must be in order, and unregistered labour may not occur. Kalixbo does not want legitimate companies to be affected by unfair competition.

For this reason, Kalixbo has decided to use the Swedish Tax Agency’s method of “preventing economic crime” in order to check all subcontractors commissioned. All of those performing work on behalf of Kalixbo fall under the scope of this collaboration.

This preventative work involves requesting public data from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding the tax status of all contractors engaged on the project, both prior to procurement as well as continually, while it is in progress.

The Swedish Tax Agency provides the following information:

  • Approval for F-tax.
  • VAT registration.
  • Registration as an employer.
  • Any tax liabilities to the Swedish Enforcement Authority.
  • Social security contributions reported for the last three months.

To succeed with this preventative work, it is important to check the tax status of contractors, subcontractors, and subcontractors thereof, etc. at all stages.